Time to be wise

Facing the complexity and interdependence of post-COVID it s evident that there can be no zero-sum game solutions to our problems and ever-rising conflicts . There is only wisdom and wise solutions where co-existence and cooperation is the norm.

20 - 21 February 2024

2024 February 21 - 20


Being wise,
we cooperate

In this New Normal, individuals, organizations and nations should work hard to increase their Global Consciousness. And we define Global Consciousness as the new concept of being aware of global risks engendered by the increased interconnectedness, interdependence and complexity of the world systems.

20 - 21 February 2024

2024 February 21 - 20


Being human,
we retaliate.

World Wisdom Summit, as a gathering of international thinkers, will be Humanity’s life boat in wild oceans, where acceleration is the norm, predictability is rare, and small changes can lead to big consequences in no time (Butterfly. Effect).

20 - 21 February 2024

2024 February 21 - 20

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Wise Initiatives

Call for candidacy of Wise Initiatives, and Wise startups

Wisdom Investment Opportunities

Wise Startup's Critical Success Factors is their level of consciousness about their volatile environment, and their ability to develop the necessary Wisdom (Strategic Wisdom) to survive and thrive. Here, in World Wisdom summit (WWS) we will empower you with Wisdom and navigation strategies to survive and thrive

Wisdom of Carthage

Carthage was not only the first real republic on earth, and it was not only the first to write a complete modern constitution from which the world later borrowed its constitutions, but it was also the first to innovate or adopt the concept of pluralism within the core of a single state. Wisdom of Carthage was appreciated by Plato, Aristotle and other great philosophers.

Wisdom Economic Council

The Wisdom Economic Council is meant to put wisdom and wisdom indexes at the forefront of global economy policy making. The Council is dedicated to providing a global economic leadership that helps businesses thrive and grow within the context of Wisdom Economy. It will be open for businessmen and women from all over the world as well as CEOs and economists. The council membership will be available also for chambers of commerce from all over the world..

Wisdom Institute for Arbitration and Reconciliation

For better wisdom practices, Wisdom Institute for Arbitration and Reconciliation will be a neutral, independent and impartial venue for dispute resolution in commercial business around the world. We keep Wisdom at the forefront to meet the developing needs of the business community.

Current world population
Internet users in the world today
CO2 emission this year
Solar energy striking earth today
World Wisdom Summit


To start a new trend of Wisdom and Wise Practices

Time to be wise

Being human, we retaliate.

Being wise, we cooperate

Current world population
Internet users in the world today
CO2 emission this year
Solar energy striking earth today

New Wisdom Concepts

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